If You Depend On Your Computer Network To Run Your Business, This Is One Report You DON’T Want To Overlook!
If you are a small business owner looking for computer support then it's critical that you get and read this small business advisory: An Insider's Guide to Choosing an Honest, Reliable, and Competent Computer Repair Technician.
Is This You?
We offer expertise in network services, computer support and IT consulting for the small business owners throughout Southern Ontario
Our typical client has 10-75 workstations, and is a manufacturer or professional services firm. They depend heavily on e-mail, the Internet, and their computer network for running a successful business. For that reason, companies in Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Mississauga and throughout Southern Ontario depend on Datacom to design and support the technologies they use to run their business.
We have the most success working with customers that:
Require reliable and secure IT management services from their company’s computer network.
Are aware that technology is an effective tool that can help gain competitive advantages and increase production.
Need not only a partner in technology, but also a trusted advisor so that they can improve productivity and make more profits through computer network support
Are committed to investing in advanced system for business technology to get rid of manual tasks and for clearer communication in their Computer networks and Communications.
Don’t just listen to us!
Our customers have this to say. .
“Datacom Limited has provided superior service and great product knowledge, over the last twelve years, that we have been a customer. We would be most happy to refer and highly recommend them to anyone seeking their service.”
David Gordon
Royal Canadian Legion
Ontario Command